Psalms of Thanksgiving

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This week, we are entering into one of the most loved holidays, Thanksgiving. It’s a beautiful time of the year as we are reminded to be thankful for the many blessings bestowed upon us by God. It also is a time to be grateful for one another. Life is at times complicated, we all face times of trial and adversity, yet we learn to give Thanks to God for always being with us no matter what the challenge. We see His love at work, and we also experience the answers to prayer moving us beyond the struggles. We also have great joy and gladness in life that counteracts the difficulty as The Lord Blesses us with so many unexpected things. So may this coming week we reflect upon God’s goodness and His Presence, letting Him know how thankful we are for our Salvation, our families, our daily bread, and His everlasting love in giving to all who believe in Eternal Life!