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Today’s message begins the last letter Paul wrote before his beheading. He wrote this letter about 5 years after 1 Timothy from a brutal prison cell. His desire was to encourage Timothy to stand against the tendency to fear all that could or may happen as he preached during times of hostile persecution of Christians. Fear is something we all deal with in life, and the only way to truly overcome the spirit of fear is to believe and trust that God is always with us.

Paralyzing fear is from the enemy and his lies. The enemy works to void the power of God that resides in the believers life. As we feed upon the Word of God, and listen and converse in prayer trusting God, we experience His love, power and a sound mind. Real life, overcoming life’s challenges through the Spirit of the Living God, we have peace not fear. It is His perfect love that casts out fear. We will learn today principles for living that which will transform our lives.

Join us in 2 Timothy 1:1-7 by clicking on the headphones and/or the play button…