Acts 16 - God Raises New Leaders

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In the development of the Church, we learn that nobody is so important that God’s work is impaired when changes occur throughout the centuries. Last week, we saw the difficult breakdown in leadership between Paul and Barnabas, yet God always raises up new leaders to continue His ministry in the Church. Eventually, Paul would be martyred and no longer a physical presence in the early Church, yet God already in Acts 16 made adjustments to the departure of Barnabas and Mark. Now Silas and a young new upstart in ministry named Timothy would eventually carry on the work of the ministry. Jesus said He would build His Church, and the gates of hell would not prevail against it. There is nobody who is so important that the ministry will not continue after their time is completed. Our job is to equip new leaders for the work of ministry so His Church will remain viable long after we are no longer here. Today God may be planning on using you. Are you willing and ready?