Acts 23 - Human Power Brings Chaos

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Studying today, Paul’s ministry to those who have imprisoned him because He is a follower of Jesus. Paul had been warned previously to stay out of the structure of religion among His people, The Children of Israel. Law and Grace cannot exist together. There is something in all of us that initially relates to wanting to be in control. When we’re in control, spiritually speaking, we’re out of control in regard to God’s intentions. Paul suffered this recent imprisonment because he wanted his Will, not being patient for God’s Will. We see in this section of scripture even the Apostles spiritually lost it at times. We also learn from our times of being humbled. Paul learned in a deeper sense that God had His plan, and Paul wouldn’t be allowed to run his own plan. How good is it to realize the path to Blessings in realizing not my will but your will be done, O God!