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The Great Mystery of Christ and His Incarnation is that He became one of us without sin so that we could become like Him by His righteousness. As we grow in grace, humility, and become like Jesus, our actual lives are being transformed by His Holy Spirit. The old saying “What Would Jesus Do?” becomes our heart’s desire. In every decision, as yourself, What would Jesus actually do?”

When we surrender to His will we find that there are many changes that occur in our lives. We live with deep love for Christ and for others. The greatest evidence that we belong to Him, Jesus said is this, “By this shall all men shall know you are my disciples, by the love you have for one another.” Paul’s teaching today gives us insight on how we are to conduct ourselves in the house of a God.

Join us in 1 Timothy 3:14-16 by clicking on the headphones and/or the play button…