Matthew 4:18-25 - Jesus Calls His Disciples

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Jesus has begun to preach the Gospel and as He is moving about Capernaum He begins to specifically call certain fishermen. Jesus had a plan for each of these men to learn to become disciples of His ministry. These men became followers and students of Christ’s Way of ministry. What’s interesting is that as Jesus called them they immediately left what they were doing and followed Him. There was no let me think about this, questions as to who are you, where are we going, what’s in this for me. The first things these men begin to see is that Jesus has miracle working ability as He heals all kinds of sickness and disease. His influence caused His fame to be widely known and multitudes came to Him for relief from there afflictions. The disciples were truly being taught the enormity of the needs of the human race. Ministry is serving people who are in need of The Great Physician. We as His disciples are bringing people to Jesus as He alone has the cure for sin and death.