Romans 1-2 - The Developing Darkness

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The Book of Romans is the most comprehensive book on why Christ had to come and die for our sins. It causes us to see how far humanity has gone away from their Creator and His plan for the human race. We all have been, and are being infected daily by the power of sin and the worship of self. We cannot, apart from the working of the Holy Spirit, comprehend the state of our hearts and the bondage and slavery of sin. Today’s teaching will dive deeply into what Paul warns us about, regarding the wrath of God that is already at work on earth. As the wages of sin found in today’s rampant immorality and hatred of God truly brings forth destruction in every life that hasn’t experienced forgiveness and deliverance from sin. Every person needs Christ’s perfect work of salvation, bestowing upon the repentant heart God’s immeasurable love and value He has for all those who turn to Him in faith.