Romans 1 - The Depravity Of Humanity

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One of, if not the most important book in the Bible, Romans, covers the essentials of the Christian faith and the opposite lifestyles of the pagan world. We begin chapter one which is clear on the fact that God is the creator of the human race, and He has created the order of how we are to live as men and women in this world. As we study this ancient book, it’s like it was written just last week. The things we are seeing occur in today’s world with government, atheism, immorality, and lack of respect for parents, and God Himself, brings a spiritual shock to the Church. As we work our way slowly through this book, we will gain spiritual insight into discerning the times we are living in; knowing that God and His plan are not to be compromised or negotiated. May this study reach many to repent in getting right with God, fleeing immoral lifestyles, and proclaiming the Gospel as the only hope for modern man.