Romans 3 - All Have Sinned

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Have we come to the realization that we all have sinned against God? Meaning that we have intended to live our lives our way, ignoring God’s Commandments and the warning that the wages of sin is death. Not just physical death, which we all will experience, but a spiritual death, which is the daily emptiness of a life that eventually begins to have no meaning or fulfillment.

Without God in our lives, we cannot experience life as it was meant to be. A kind of existence that is supernatural when God rules and guides our lives. A life that is defined as abundant versus empty. The Apostle Paul is laying the groundwork in his teaching on what life is like without God and what life can be like with God. The statement that there is nobody who seeks after God until God seeks us is the reality of our existence. That is the gateway to Salvation, the Gospel purpose of God, rescuing us from ourselves and our lostness and setting us free from our slavery to sin that ruins our lives.